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Each sign of the zodiac is associated with different gemstones, also known as Astral Stones.

The zodiac gemstones are based on the 12 signs that are related to the placement of the constellations in relationship to the sun.

The sun moves through these constellations at regular times during the year and gives rise to the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Unlike birthstones, which are based on the month you were born, there are various different beliefs about which gemstones relates to which sign. These gemstones are believed to have the power to heal, relax and clarify. Certain gemstones are particularly beneficial for each zodiac sign. For more information on Birthstones have a read of our related Gem Blog “What are Birthstones & Zodiac Stones?”

What Are The Zodiac Signs?

The Zodiac signs originated in Babylonia more than 3000 years ago although human beings have been looking to the sun and stars for guidance both physical and spiritual since the dawn of civilization.

The origins of astrology link back to ancient Greek mythology, with every sign of the zodiac representing a Greek god, goddess, or other important mythological figure.

If you’re interested in finding out more about zodiac signs and Greek mythology, there’s an interesting article in the that’s worth a read ; Reference “The Greek Origin of Zodiac Signs in Astrology” by Luis Ospino, July 7, 2023.

According to Greek thought, the sun is the centre of all life- a fact that has been corroborated by science and so many other schools of thought and belief as well. The basic premise is that each sun sign (or zodiac sign) carries with it specific kinds of personalities, traits, characteristics, dispositions, needs, wants and motives.

So, depending on the sector of the zodiac that you were born into, the light shines the strongest on the corresponding sign, and thus the values and peculiarities and desires associated with that sign are most likely to become determinants of your personality.

Astrology was adopted by all the great ancient kingdoms of Egypt, Greece and Rome and used to bring order to a chaotic world, predict the seasons and the coming weather and forecast impending disasters.

In astrology, Aries is considered to be the first sign of the zodiac and Pisces the twelfth (last) sign.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

What’s My Zodiac Gemstone?

Ancient astrologers are said to have turned to the heavens to search for answers about why certain gemstones held magical powers when worn under the correct constellation.

Their theory, as with talismans and amulets, is based on the harmony that exists between all things. Some believe that the power of wearing the correct Zodiac gem is due to it actually receiving vibrations from the constellation. This is said to strengthen the planetary or zodiacal influence.

Although there are many different sources and different lists, the table below shows the more common associations.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

What Are The Meanings of The Zodiac Gemstone?

The table above gives a summary of the meanings of each of the zodiac gemstones but let’s look at each one in a bit more detail.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): Bloodstone

Treasured in ancient times, Bloodstone (also known as Heliotrope) was referred to as the martyr’s stone. Medieval Christians carved bloodstone into scenes of the crucifixion. According to legend, the origin of this gemstone formed when Christ’s blood fell to the foot of the cross, staining the Jasper below.

Bloodstone is said to be good for circulation, an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healer. It heightens the intuition and increases creativity. An excellent grounding and protection stone, it keeps out undesirable influences. Emotionally, bloodstone helps reduce irritability, aggressiveness and impatience.

Wear continually for good health.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Bloodstone is a member of the Chalcedony group of gems which also belongs to the polycrystalline Quartz family. It is red-green in colour and can be described as a green quartz flecked with red or yellow jasper.

The gem is mined in the USA, Brazil, China, India and Australia. Bloodstone is also one of the birthstones for March.

An alternative gemstone associated with Aries is Diamond.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Sapphire

In antiquity Persians believed that blue sapphires were actually chips from a huge pedestal that supported the earth, the reflections of which coloured the sky. In the Middle Ages it was thought to be an antidote against poisons and to possess a magical power to influence spirits.

Sapphire is the crystal of royalty, prophecy and wisdom. It will protect you from all kinds of physical or psychical harm and negativity.

It focuses the mind and releases unwanted thoughts and mental tension. This stone releases depression and spiritual confusion and stimulates concentration.

Each colour of sapphire has its own unique attributes in addition to the generic qualities.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Sapphires are a member of the corundum family of minerals. Although commonly thought of as blue, sapphires can be colourless, green, yellow, orange, violet and pink. The red variety of sapphire is called Ruby. Colours other than blue are often referred to as fancy sapphires.

Sapphires are found in only a few locations in the world. The three most famous regions for blue sapphire are Kashmir, Burma and Sri Lanka. Sapphire has also been mined in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and India.

Sapphire is also the birthstone for September and blue sapphire is associated with a couple’s 65th wedding anniversary.

An alternative gemstone associated with Taurus is Emerald.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Agate

Agate gemstones have been prized since antiquity. It was given its name by Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher who is believed to have discovered it on the banks of the river Achates in the 4th century BC. The gemstone was later mentioned in the Bible as one of the “stones of fire”.

Agates are grounding stones, bringing about emotional, physical and intellectual balance. A soothing and calming stone, agate works slowly but brings great strength. It is believed to quench thirst, protect against viruses (including fever) and to cure insomnia.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Agates are a variety of Chalcedony, which is a polycrystalline variety of Quartz. Formed as a banded round nodule (similar to the rings of a tree trunk), the gem boasts an exquisite assortment of shapes and colours of bands.

The gem can be found all over the world with the main sources of gem-quality material coming from the USA, Brazil, Italy and Madagascar.

Agate is also Ayuvedic birthstone for May and the Mystical birthstone for September. For more information on agates, have a read of our Gem Blog “Frequently Asked Questions About Agate”

An alternative gemstone associated with Gemini is Topaz.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Emerald

Emerald was revered as a holy gemstone by the Incas and Aztecs. It was associated with Venus, goddess of love and beauty, by the Romans.

Emerald is a stone of inspiration and infinite patience. Known as the “stone of successful love”, it brings domestic bliss and loyalty. It enhances unity, unconditional love, partnership and promotes friendship.

Psychologically, emerald gives the strength of character to overcome the misfortunes of life. It is a stone of regeneration and recovery and can heal negative emotions.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Emeralds are one of the most desirable gemstones. They are the rich green variety of the mineral Beryl. Beryl includes a variety of well-known gemstones, including aquamarine and Morganite. Most emeralds have numerous inclusions and internal flaws. These imperfections are unique to each stone and are important in distinguishing natural from synthetic emeralds and other green gemstones.

Emeralds can be found in Colombia, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Siberia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Emerald is also the birthstone for May and the gemstone associated with the 20th, 35th and 55th wedding anniversary. For more information on emeralds, have a read of our Gem Blog “Frequently Asked Questions About Emeralds”

An alternative gemstone associated with Cancer is Moonstone.

Leo (July 23 – Aug 22): Onyx

In its natural form, this gemstone is available in a variety of colours: white and red bands (Carnelian Onyx), white and white and brown bands (Sardonyx). Onyx is viewed by many as a jet black, highly fashionable gemstone. When it is pure black it is referred to as “Black Onyx” and owes its distinctive colour to an ancient dyeing process.

Roman soldiers wore sardonyx as talismans, believing that it made the wearer as brave as the heroes they engraved onto the gem. Onyx is said to eliminate negative thinking and sharpen the wits, instincts, intuition and helps to change one’s habits.

Onyx is strength-giving. It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental and physical stress.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Onyx is a member of the Agate group of Chalcedony, which in turn is a sub-species of the Quartz family. Onyx, meaning ‘veined gem’, in its natural state differs from other Agates in that its lines of colour banding (normally black and white) are straighter.

Because of its different colour bands, the gem is ideal for making cameos, where the lighter colour tends to be carved, using the darker colour as the background. Onyx was an extremely popular choice of gemstone during the Art Deco period, with its opaque black colour providing excellent colour contrast with a number of other popular gemstones such as coral and jade.

The use of onyx with white materials such as rock crystal, diamonds and pearls gave a stark visual contrast in monochrome black that epitomised the dynamic feel of the times.

Onyx can be found in Italy, Mexico, United States, Russia, Brazil and South Africa.

An alternative gemstone associated with Leo is Citrine.

Virgo (July 23  – Sept 22): Carnelian

Carnelian has been treasured throughout history and for centuries has been engraved and cut into signet rings. It is surrounded by myth and legend and was believed by some that it helped to stop bleeding and healed wounds. Egyptians thought that the gem had strong powers in the afterlife and would help people feel calm about death. They also believed that amulets of carnelian could help a soul’s journey into the next life.

Emotionally, this stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage and resentment, yours or other peoples. It calms anger and banishes negativity, replacing it with a love of life.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?


Carnelian (sometimes spelt Cornelian) is a member of the Chalcedony group of gems, who in turn belong to the Quartz family. It’s name is derived from the Latin word meaning “fleshy”, because its orange to reddish orange colour. It is also referred to as red chalcedony or red agate, due to the stunning red tints created from the presence of iron oxides.

The main sources of carnelian are Japan, Brazil and Uruguay. India has some very old carnelian mines still in operation, which tend to produce gems with a strong reddish brown colour.

Carnelian is also one of the birthstones for July.

An alternative gemstone for Virgo is Jasper. 

Libra (Sept 23  – Oct 22): Peridot

Peridot has been mined for over 4000 years and is mentioned in the Bible by its original name, Chrysolite. Throughout history it has been mistaken and confused with other gemstones, including emerald. Historians have said that they suspect that many of the emeralds worn by Cleopatra were actually peridots. In ancient times, it was believed to keep away evil spirits. It is still a protective stone for the aura.

Peridot alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite and anger, and reduces stress. It enhances confidence and assertion, motivates growth to help bring about necessary change. With peridot’s aid, you can admit mistakes and move on. It helps you take responsibility for your own life, especially when you believe it’s all “someone else’s fault”.

The influence of peridot can greatly improve difficult relationships.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Peridot is a sophisticated gem that has rightfully regained its position as one of the most popular gemstones. It is the transparent gem variety of the mineral Olivine. Peridot can range from pale golden-green to brownish-green with the most prized being a rich ‘oily’ green colour.

The main sources today are Pakistan and on the San Carlos Navajo Indian reservation. It is also found in Burma, Brazil and Sri Lanka.

Peridot is also one of the birthstones for August and the gemstone associated with a couple’s 16th wedding anniversary.

For more interesting facts about peridot read our Gem Blog “Frequently Asked Questions About Peridot”

An alternative gemstone for Libra is Opal.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21): Beryl

Beryl isn’t one gemstone, it’s actually a family of gemstones that includes some of the finest and most historical gems available. These gemstones have been named according to their specific colour: Emerald (green), Aquamarine (blue), Bixbite (red), Goshenite (colourless), Heliodor (yellow) and Morganite (pink).

It has been worn in jewellery for centuries and historical references to this gem can be found in the Bible (Ezekiel 1:16), “the wheels of God’s throne are described as having the appearance of gleaming beryl”.

Beryl teaches you how to do only that which you need to do. Its is the stone par excellence for dealing with a stressful life and shedding unnecessary baggage. Psychologically, beryl enhances courage, relieves stress and calms the mind. Emotionally, beryl reawakens love in those who are married but jaded.

Each colour of beryl has its own unique attributes in addition to the generic qualities.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

The name is derived from the Greek “beryllos”, which was used when referring to gems with a precious blue-green colour. In its pure form the gem is colourless with the presence of different impurities resulting in the various colours.

Members of the beryl family are mined in several locations: Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa and Zambia.

An alternative gemstone for Scorpio is Coral.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21): Topaz

Topaz has been known as a powerful magnetic stone throughout the ages that attracts love and fortune. It has been mentioned in the bible and is one of the gemstones adorning the twelve holy gates of Jerusalem.

The Greeks felt that it gave them strength as well as relieving insomnia and restoring sanity! It was even said to be able to detect poisons, had supernatural properties and could even make its owner invisible!

The Egyptians believed the stone received its colour from the golden glow of the Sun God Ra. This made the gemstone a talisman of power that protected its owner from harm.

Psychologically, topaz helps you discover your own inner riches. It makes you feel confident and philanthropic, wanting to share your good fortune and spread sunshine all around. Negativity does not survive around joyful topaz.

This gem promotes openness and honesty, self-realisation, self-control, and the urge to develop inner wisdom. It is an excellent emotional support – it stabilises the emotions and makes you receptive to love from every source.

Each colour of topaz has its own unique attributes in addition to the generic qualities.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Topaz is its own species of mineral and comes in a wide variety of colours. It can be found in red, pink, orange, yellow, brown, blue, colourless and (rarely) green. This gemstone has been used throughout history as a substitute for some of the more expensive gemstones.

Pliny the Elder, author of the Natural History in the 1st century AD, states that the name was derived from the Greek word “topazos”, meaning “to seek”. Others believe that the gem’s name originates from the Sanskrit word “tapaz”, which means “fire”.

The rough crystal is found in several mining locations around the world. The most important areas commercially are Brazil, Russia, Germany, Nigeria, Afghanistan, USA, Pakistan and Japan.

Topaz is also one of the birthstones for November. For more information on Topaz read our Gem Blog “Frequently Asked Questions About Topaz”

An alternative gemstone for Sagittarius is Citrine.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan19): Ruby

In the ancient world, people believed that Rubies could help them predict the future and they have been worn as talismans to protect against illness or misfortune ever since.

For many centuries, Ruby has been thought to remove sadness, prevent nightmares and protect against many illnesses. With its likeness in colour to blood, it has often been said to help stem haemorrhages and cure inflammatory diseases.

Mentally, ruby brings about a positive and courageous state of mind. Under its influence, the mind is sharp with heightened awareness and excellent concentration. Given this stone’s protective effect, it makes you stronger during disputes or controversy.

Ruby is known as the gem of love and is often given as a gift to show the strength of one’s relationship. It has also been said that the wearer of a ruby would enjoy romance, friendship, energy, courage and peace.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

A ruby is actually a ‘red sapphire’! Both gemstones are varieties of the mineral Corundum. Only the red variety of this mineral is called ruby. Corundum is a mineral with the chemical composition Al2O3, Aluminium Oxide. The introduction of small amounts of impurities accounts for the different colours.

The difference between  a pink sapphire and a ruby is merely a matter of opinion on the depth of colour! Hindu and Burmese miners thought pale sapphires were unripe rubies. Only darker stones are generally called rubies and the most valued colour is known as pigeon-blood red.

Some of the finest rubies are from Burma (modern day Myanmar). Other locations where rubies are found include Australia, Kenya, Thailand, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Tanzania and Vietnam.

Ruby is also the birthstone for July, the gemstone associated with the 15th and 40th anniversary and a popular gift for a 40th birthday!

For more information about ruby, read our Gem Blog “Frequently Asked Questions About Ruby”

An alternative gemstone for Capricorn is Laps Lazuli.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Garnet

Garnet is steeped in history; it can be dated as far back as 3500BC, when it was discovered in a necklace on a mummified body, in Egypt.

This gemstone supposedly has the ability to illuminate even the darkest of rooms. It is written that Noah used the gem to light the inside of the ark. Several cultures have finely ground garnet and heated it to act as a medicinal remedy. Some healers continue to use it today as a cure for nightmares. 

Garnet is a useful crystal to have in a crisis. It is particularly helpful in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has fragmented or is traumatic. It fortifies, activates and strengthens the situations the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into seemingly hopeless situations.

Garnet inspires love and devotion. It balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. Red garnet, in particular, aids sexual potency. This is a gemstone of commitment.

When studying the myths and legends surrounding this gemstone, there is one common theme, it is considered to be the ultimate gift of love.

In addition to the generic attributes, some forms and colours have additional properties.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Garnet is separated into six species: pyrope, almandine, spessartite, grossular, andradite and uvarovite. Some of the species are further divided into varieties based on colour and phenomena (special optical effects such as stars, cat’s-eye and colour changes).

Garnets are generally thought of as red, but they occur in a kaleidoscope of natural colours including red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown, black, pink and colourless.

Notable sources include Australia, Brazil, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United States.

Garnet is also one of the birthstones for January and the gemstone associated with the 2nd and 6th wedding anniversary.

For more information on garnet, read our Gem Blog “Frequently Asked Questions About Garnet”

An alternative gemstone for Aquarius is Turquoise.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20): Amethyst

Throughout history, amethyst has been one of the most popular and mystical of all gemstones.The essence of the colour purple, it is beautiful enough for crown jewels yet affordable enough for class rings.

Its name is believed to come from the ancient Greek “Amethystos” which means “not drunk”. Amethyst is mentioned in the Old Testament as one of the twelve stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. It was also one of the twelve gemstones adorning the breastplate of the high priest Aaron (Exodus 39).

In ancient times, wealthy lords who wanted to stay sober were said to have drinking glasses made from amethyst. Similarly, it was believed that you could save a drunkard from delirium by giving him crushed amethyst in his drink.

Amethyst balances out highs and lows, promoting emotional centring. It dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviating sadness and grief, it supports coming to terms with loss. It enhances memory and improves motivation, making you more able to set realistic goals.

Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones, promoting love of the divine and encouraging selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Due to its association with piety and celibacy, it has been set into rings and worn by Cardinals, Bishops and Priests since the Middle Ages.

What Are Zodiac Gemstones?

Amethyst is the name given to purple crystalline Quartz. It’s colour varies from deep purple to light violet and from transparent to translucent. The colour is rarely uniform and frequently distributed in patches or stripes. A Strong, reddish purple colour, transparent gemstones with good clarity and even colour distribution are more sought after and hence obtain a higher price.

The most important commercial deposits are in Brazil, Bolivia, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Russia (Siberia), Sri Lanka, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Amethyst is also the birthstone for February and the gemstone associated with the 6th and 17th wedding anniversary.

Click here to shop Amethyst gemstones!

An alternative gemstone for Pisces is Aquamarine.

Explore our exquisite collection of healing gemstones, handpicked to enhance your astrological journey, at Deluxe Astrology Shop!

Aryan K Deluxe Astrology

Aryan K

Aryan K. is a seasoned astrologer and a dedicated team member at Deluxe Astrology. With an extensive background in astrology, Aryan possesses in-depth knowledge in various domains including Zodiac Signs, Tarot, Numerology, Nakshatra, Career Astrology, Kundli analysis, and marriage predictions. His passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and providing accurate astrological insights has made him a trusted name in the field. Aryan’s articles aim to enlighten readers with precise and practical astrological guidance, ensuring they benefit from the ancient wisdom of astrology. Whether you're seeking clarity about your future, understanding your personality traits, or making informed decisions about your career or relationships, Aryan's expertise is here to guide you. When he's not writing, Aryan enjoys stargazing and delving into the latest astrological studies to enhance his knowledge and expertise in the field continually.

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